Installing and Running Cromwell locally
Here we will go over getting Cromwell setup on your local machine so you can test & develop WDLs.
You need to have a java –version that is compatible with Cromwell or Cromwell will complain. If you get an error that says some component of Cromwell’s was compiled with a newer version of java than you have, then update java: java downloads.
Install Cromwell
The below steps are copied from Cromwell’s official github repository:
Download the latest cromwell and womtool jar file from the above repository.
Copy the files to some place like ~/cromwell/cromwell-<VERSION>.jar and ~/cromwell/womtool-<VERSION>.jar.
Test Run Cromwell
To make sure cromwell is working, copy the WDL file example below to a file called my.wdl
and then run:
java -jar ~/cromwell/cromwell-<VERSION>.jar run my.wdl
workflow myTest {
call TaskOne
task TaskOne {
command {
echo "hello jackson" > output.txt
output {
String out = "output.txt"
The cromwell Config File
You can configure cromwell settings in 3 ways.
The default settings are in a file called cromwell.conf
file which is packaged with every cromwell.jar
However, you don’t set the variables directly in this file. Instead, when you run the cromwell.jar
command, you can:
Point to your own
file.Include an options.json file that has the variables set.
Specify the variables from the command line itself.
Check out the tutorial on How to Configure Cromwell for more information.
1. Overriding Variables with a cromwell.conf File
The cromwell.conf
file that is packaged with the jar is much larger than this example. This example only includes variables you are likely to alter.
An example cromwell.conf file
- title:
jgi-purple text-white font-weight-bold box
- body:
- animate:
include required(classpath("application")) webservice { port = 50011 } workflow-options { workflow-log-dir: "cromwell-workflow-logs" workflow-log-temporary: false } call-caching { enabled = true invalidate-bad-cache-result = true } docker { hash-lookup { enabled = true } } backend { default = "Local" providers { Local { actor-factory = "cromwell.backend.impl.sfs.config.ConfigBackendLifecycleActorFactory" config { concurrent-job-limit = 5 run-in-background = true #temporary-directory = "`mktemp -d \"/global/cscratch1/sd/jaws/cromwell-tmp\"/tmp.XXXXXX`" # The list of possible runtime custom attributes. runtime-attributes = """ String? docker String? docker_user """ # Submit string when there is no "docker" runtime attribute. submit = "/usr/bin/env bash ${script}" # Submit string when there is a "docker" runtime attribute. submit-docker = "docker run --volume=${cwd}:${docker_cwd} ${docker} /usr/bin/env bash ${script}" root = "/cromwell-executions" dockerRoot = "/cromwell-executions" filesystems { local { localization: [ "soft-link", "hard-link", "copy" ] http {} caching { duplication-strategy: [ "soft-link" ] hashing-strategy: "path" } } } default-runtime-attributes { failOnStderr: false continueOnReturnCode: 0 } } } } } database { profile = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$" db { driver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cromwell?rewriteBatchedStatements=true&useSSL=false&autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=true&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true" user = "userName" password = "somePassword" connectionTimeout = 5000 } insert-batch-size = 2000 }
The example config has different sections or “stanzas” defined by {}
and can be nested.
One of the larger stanzas is called backend
. It has only one backend defined, default = "Local"
, but could have more like slurm, and custom backends.
The official cromwell configuration documentation is the best place to learn about the configs, which includes:
a tutorial on creating your own config.
description of the different parameter settings.
examples using different backends beside
.how to set variables using the command line arguments (also described below).
how to setup the mysql database (we have a tutorial under Configuring MySQL Database for Cromwell)
2. Overriding Variables with a options.json File
See the official documentation from concerning options.json.
3. Overriding Variables from the Command Line
Setting variables on the command line is done with the -D
flag, with no spaces.
The variable name must include the full path as it exists in the cromwell_docker.config `file, for example, the variable :bash:`dockerRoot exists under:
backend {
providers {
Local {
config {
dockerRoot = "/cromwell-execution"
Following that logic for other variables.
java -Dconfig.file=cromwell_docker.conf \
-Dbackend.providers.Local.config.dockerRoot=$(pwd)/cromwell-executions \
-Dbackend.providers.Local.config.root=$(pwd)/cromwell-executions \
-Dbackend.default=Local \
-jar ~/cromwell/cromwell.jar run my.wdl
points to a cromwell conf file that is used to overwrite the default configurations
this overwrites a variable ‘dockerRoot’ that is in cromwell_docker.conf and tells cromwell to mount this path within the docker container.
this overwrites a variable ‘root’ that is in cromwell_docker.conf and tells cromwell to use this path for its output outside of the docker container.
this will allow you to choose between the Local and other backends. No other backends are included in thecromwell_docker.conf
Configure Backends
One thing you can customize in a Cromwell configuration file is the backend which, among other things, specifies where your jobs will run. You can, for example, choose to use SLURM or your local machine.
Running in JAWS
when running in JAWS, the HTCondor backend is set for you by default and can’t be changed.
This page describes how you can change backend parameters in the config file for testing your WDL. When running JAWS you cannot change the configuration settings at all.
How Cromwell uses the Configuration file
Cromwell is installed with a complete default config file. However, for testing, you can overwrite parts of it by specifying another config file that has, for example, docker backend specifications. By including the -Dconfig.file=<your.config>
option to your Cromwell command you can overwrite the default config.
Example configs
complete config: Cromwell.examples.conf
slurm config: slurm.conf
backend example using: Singularity containers with Cromwell
all official backend examples from Cromwell docs: all examples
Backend Examples
Cromwell has two modes of operation: server and non-server (client). During development, the client mode is the simplest way to test WDLs.
You can find examples of backends for our various sites here.
Example of Running a WDL with Slurm Config
You can see a working example of how to run a task on slurm. working example using slurm
Follow the in the above repository to run the WDL (test.wdl) and inspect the WDL and cromwell_dori.conf file.
Essentially, you specify that you want to use slurm in the runtime section of your WDL. If you don’t specify anything for the backend: then the default will run jobs locally, as set in the config (see below).
runtime {
backend: "SLURM"
And in the config file you would define SLURM to be one of the backend providers.
backend {
default = "Local"
providers {
submit = "sbatch <command>"